Top-notch exterior design doesn’t just boost your property value by 20%. It also shows that you care about your property and helps you feel more at ease when you return home at the end of a long day. However, when you live on a hill, it’s difficult to safeguard your privacy with regular fencing.

That’s why there are special ways to build a vinyl fence on a slope.

Read on to learn some of these methods and get insight into how you can boost your home’s aesthetic with fencing for uneven ground.

The Challenges of Building a Vinyl Fence on Slope

A slightly bumpy ground is fairly simple for fence installation professionals to smooth out. However, if the entire ground is uneven, it becomes more challenging to install a vinyl fence. Homeowners who live on hills will often struggle with securing their homes and protecting their privacy.

Flat-ground fences begin with a structural foundation of vertical posts that are driven in the ground to support the rails. These rails run between these posts and hold the visible pickets that you see when looking at a fence.

When the ground is sloped, this basic structure encounters an insurmountable issue. The posts in the ground are elevated at different heights. Installation professionals cannot connect them with evenly sized rails or pickets.

The fence also will be more likely to fall over because of its uneven nature. Even if it does not, though, uneven posts can cause a sagging fence. Warped appearances lower curb appeal, decrease property value, and cause maintenance problems for the homeowner who finds unwanted weeds in cracks in uneven fencing.

What Solutions Are Available?

Everyone’s situation is different, and trying to DIY fencing is never a good idea. This is true even when the ground is completely even and the job seems straightforward. Professional knowledge and tools are a necessity for those looking to build any fence.

But expert help is even more critical when you’re dealing with a gap between the vinyl fence and the ground.

This is because there are several possible solutions. A professional will need to assess the situation to determine which fence type will best suit your specific property’s slope and terrain. They also will need specialized tools to ensure that you can create a sturdy and stable fence that lasts for many years to come.

Stepped Fence Options

A stepped fence is the best option for those who have steep slopes on their residential property. These fences are built similarly to a staircase. Each panel is a step above the previous one.

Stepped fences don’t have the even, level look of traditional fencing. However, they have an appeal of their own. There won’t be a slanted fence line, and it will look like an intricately nuanced feature that frames your home with even spaces between posts.

Note that you may need to do some extra landscaping if you need a fully enclosed space. Most people don’t mind the triangular opening between each panel and the sloping ground beneath it. However, if you have children or dogs, you might need to block off these areas with bushes or planters.

Racked Fencing

Racked fencing is also called a “stacking fence.” These fence options are made from prefabricated panels. The pickets are already attached to the rails with hinges when they come from the manufacturer.

An expert will place the vinyl posts at different levels on the slope. They’ll follow its angle and insert the pickets vertically into the ground. The rails connect the pickets while following the angle of the slope, so they’re not completely horizontal.

This is a fairly simple solution to the issue of building fencing on a slope, especially when you embrace the custom look. Some people don’t like the uneven appearance of the pickets getting closer together as the slope grade increases. However, the lack of a level top is visually engaging and individualistic, so it’s a great way to make your property your own.

Other Custom Fencing

Many people contending with uneven building surfaces sometimes want nothing more than a level fence top. This is almost never possible without a serious evaluation and expert consultation for fully custom fencing.

These options are built on-site to meet the specific requirements of your yard. They take every dip and slope into account because they’re tailor-made for your individual property. This means that you can often get a straighter appearance than other prefabricated options.

In some cases where your property is on an extremely steep slope, fully custom fencing may be the only solution. Talking to the pros at VG Vinyl is the only way to know for sure.

Filling in Gaps

You likely will need to contend with a gap between your vinyl fence and the ground.

Curb or solid filler made from concrete is a good choice. It gives the fence a solid base for the structure to sit on and keeps kids and pets contained. It also safeguards your privacy because people and animals can’t get in through the gap.

Style and Color

While sloped yards require different fencing solutions than flat surfaces, there are still tons of styles and colors you can choose from.

Pickets can be shaped in many different ways. Some people prefer pointed tops while others want blunted, rounder shapes. Rails can also differ in thickness and size depending on what you want the focal point of your yard to be.

One of the best things about vinyl is that you can get it in pretty much any hue you can imagine. If you want a calming home that matches the sky, robin’s-egg blue fencing is just as possible as neutral whites and grays. Pale yellow, bright red, and even rose pink are potential hues to consider as well.

The possibilities are limitless!

Increase Your Curb Appeal Today

Now that you know some solutions for building a vinyl fence on a slope, it’s time to renovate your home exterior with quality angled fencing. Our team is committed to helping you choose a fence style and shape that’s perfect for your desired aesthetic.

Contact A G Vinyl Fencing to discuss your options and get an evaluation ASAP.