Vinyl fencing is a popular and aesthetically pleasing option for residential and commercial properties alike for a number of reasons. In addition to its glossy sheen and weather-resistant qualities, vinyl can act as a convincing stand-in for traditional wood fences — minus the possibility of it rotting or cracking. Despite all of the benefits, however, vinyl fencing is much more likely to show stains, dirt, algae, and other kinds of grime. 

Because vinyl fencing is synthetic, it requires slightly different maintenance than wood fences, especially when it comes to cleaning practices. At AG Vinyl Fencing in Orange County, we understand the small but significant differences between maintenance of specific fence-building materials. In this article, we’ll share our best professional advice for upkeep of your vinyl fence. For more helpful information on maximizing the lifespan and functionality of your vinyl fence, please visit our site or contact one of our fencing contractors today!

Algae, Mold, and Mildew — Oh My!

Nobody particularly enjoys seeing a mossy mess or fungal growth on their property, but algae, related types of vegetation, and even burgeoning bacteria are extremely prone to proliferation on nonporous vinyl surfaces. If you have a lighter color or white variety of vinyl fencing, these types of organisms can stain the surface of your fence in green and yellow hues. In an environment like ours in Southern California, hot temperatures are no match for the omnipresent humidity of the region, and the moisture in the air is a perfect storm for water-hungry organisms like algae, mildew, and the like.

If you notice algae, moldy spores, or a damp and discolored growth on your vinyl fencing, a simple wash with an old watering won’t do the trick. A heavy-duty, high-pressure power wash is an effective way to clean your vinyl fence, and if you can’t seem to get those lingering stains and splotches with water alone, do not reach for the bleach!

Chemical cleaning solutions and other concentrated disinfectants can erode the exterior of your vinyl fence — and an abrasive sponge or gritty cleaning tool will only make things worse by dulling its shiny exterior. Fortunately, you can effectively maintain and protect your vinyl panels with eco-friendly and nontoxic cleaning solutions, and if necessary, it is safe to use a mild scrubbing utensil like a soft toothbrush or an old kitchen sponge cut in half.

Methods For Cleaning Vinyl Fencing

Vinyl fencing may be sensitive to certain chemical concentrations like bleach or specific materials, such as steel wool, but it’s perfectly suited to benefit from the cleaning potential of many other tools and solvents. Here are the best methods for cleaning your vinyl fence to maximize cleanliness without any detrimental effects:

  • Make cleaning your vinyl fence part of your outdoor routine
    • Vinyl fences are exposed to the elements 24/7, so you should wash and wipe them at least once per week, especially during dust and rain-heavy seasons when pollen and other pathogens are more prominent
  • Clean vinyl fence panels with natural materials
    • Vinegar is an overlooked but highly effective eco-friendly option for cleaning vinyl fences and other surfaces — white vinegar kills dozens of pathogens including salmonella and flu viruses!
  • Employ the power of pressure washing 
    • Start by testing the strength of your vinyl fencing structure by spraying with a moderate to high-pressure hose
    • Once water pressure is assessed and adjusted, infuse your spraying tool with a mild detergent or nontoxic cleaning solvent
    • Depending on the level of dirt and grime that your vinyl fencing has, allow the structure to sit untouched for at least 3 to 5 minutes without allowing the solution to dry
    • Break out your power washer to remove lingering grime and detergent bubbles, then use a moderate water flow to rinse and revitalize the vibrancy of your vinyl  fencing 

Certainly there are an innumerable amount of ways to clean your vinyl fence. Although this is not a comprehensive resource for fence management and maintenance, it does serve a vital purpose in protecting both the functionality and beauty of your home or property. 

At AG Vinyl Fencing, we strive to provide Orange County residents and surrounding California communities with the necessary resources and information to sustain their vinyl fence builds — not because vinyl is superior to anything else, but because the security of such a structure is invaluably superior.